It's Time to Sunset the Bodylux RX
Wow! What a ride! Who could imagine the grand and glorious things that could happen in a clunky old warehouse? We've lived through drop ceilings and florescent lights. We breathe "older does not mean over." We've learned that you don't need to be in a greenhouse to have a greenhouse amount of plants. Air flow-- it's all about air flow. We KNOW that if you care about what you do and the people you care for-- great things happen. Nice guys don't finish last, they endure. People are meaningful and worth the effort. So try.
It's time. Time to wind down and move on. We survived COVID, though many fellow clinics did not. Some of us hurt, and we're all a little tired. We applaud the re-direction of 1/2 our staff. Is it our turn? We have seen the vast improvement in our neighborhood and hope that we have been part of the reason. But we have also wondered when that would make the building out of reach for us. It is now.
The Bodylux RX is closing for good on 12/31/22.

What's next?
Well, we are certainly going to work hard until the end of 2022. We are gathering recommendations for other massage therapists and chiropractors for you.
After that, we don't quite know. There have been many "what if" talks. Most of them include things like "maybe this is an opportunity to finish my Masters degree" or "I want to complete my acupuncture training" or "we've been talking about relocating." There's an EMT in the making in this bunch.
A few things are for certain. Dr. K is headed back to Minnesota, and she's bringing the cats with her. Gardening is in her future -- 100%.
AND we are selling almost everything. Indoor garage sales are on the way!

Every day for the last 2 years, we have enjoyed the Happy List on our wall(s). It's a list of things to work toward that foster joy and happiness. Several have been in the forefront through this big decision that make it all ok and right.
Gratitude, compassion, love. How lucky are we to have managed to create space that was so welcoming, fun, quirky, expressive. And then it was filled with talented people who care about what they do and are willing to share with others. Those others (you) brought joy and satisfaction and accomplishment to us in droves. You helped us love our jobs. Thank you!
Friends, Family and Community. The Bodylux RX really is like family. We know your pets-- you know ours. We've seen your kids grow into productive adults. You've seen our staff develop and flourish from young high schoolers to seasoned 2nd career pro's. We have felt your losses as you have felt ours. And, my goodness, but how we have laughed.
Count your blessings- often. In the words of the fabulous Joan: "Every day is gravy, Dr. K. Every day is gravy." Big and small, there are blessings to be found even in simply being alive. Whatever shape our days take in the future, I am sure that we can find a blessing or two or more if we just open our eyes. We wish that for all of you. Wherever and however--we wish you well.
Thank you, from all of us here at the Bodylux RX!
Click on the images below for more information on what we offer.

Want to rent our unique space for your events? Contact us today for more information!
Movie Screenings/ Presentations
Happy Hours/ Receptions
Yoga/ Group Dance Classes